添加美术素材 优先级:高
尝试将字母按照其在单词中出现的频率进行随机生成,而非如目前一样从单词中抽取 优先级:中
将单词顺序进行更改 优先级:中
尝试成语贪食蛇 优先级:低
将安卓摇杆改为方向键或滑动屏幕 优先级:低
2019.10.11 添加了消除单词的显示
add words display that been erased
2019.10.11 增加了消除单词长度与奖励分数挂钩的机制
add bonus point(associated with words that you make)
modify some script
2019.10.14 添加了最高分记录与设置记录
add maxScore and settings save
2019.10.15 更新安卓版本
upload android version
2019.10.15 将安卓版本改为竖屏,并改变判定逻辑
change android to portait
2019.10.15 添加了小提示
add little tips
2019.10.16 将蛇头改为显示下一个要吃的单词
the snake's head will display next word to be eat now
2019.10.16 吃错后将重新生成被吃掉的方块,直至玩家吃到正确方块
the food that been ate by mistake will refresh now
2019.10.17 添加头部单词显示条件
add word display condition
2019.10.17 添加需要拼成的单词长度显示
add word length display
2019.10.17 添加单词显示
add word display
2019.10.17 添加web版教程
add web manual
2019.10.20 将安卓版游戏改为从头至尾(而非目前的从后向前)吃单词
change android word eat order
a test which merge snake and word correction
Use arrowkeys or WASD to control direction, and spacebar to check whether there are correct words in the snake body
little words have special effect(no anime, only for gameplay)
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